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Archived B.Tech Papers
- Electronic devices
- environmental studies
- signals and systems
- Network anylisis and synthesis
- digital electronics
- Electronic devices
- Digital electronics
- Environmental studies
- Network anylisis and synthesis
- Signals and systems
- Digital electronics
- Network theory
- Essential of information and technology
- Environmental science
- optics and wave
- Signals and system
- Signals & Systems
- Digital Electronics
- Environmental Sciences
- Optics & Waves
- Essentials of Information Technology
- Electronic Devices
- Network Theory
- computer architecture and organisation
- digital signal processing
- electromagnetic waves
- essence of Indian traditional knowledge
- information theory and coding
- Introduction to MEMS
- VLSI Technology
- big data and analytics
- computer graphics and animation
- object oriented software engineering
- UNIX and LINUX programming
- Business intelligence and entrepreneurship
- principle of programing language
- mathematics-3
- object oriented programming
- data structure and algorithms
- digital electronics
- Database management system
- advance algorithm
- microprocessor and interfacing
- formal language and automata theory
- essential of information technology
- energy resource and management
- Environmental science
- thermodynamics
- theory of machines
- mechanics of solid- 1
- Basic electronics engineering
- Entreprenureship
- Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge
- Heat Transfer
- Mechanical Vibrations and Tribiology
- Production Technology
- environmental pollution and abatement
- indrustrial engineering
- measurement and control
- Mechatronics
- non-conventional-machining
- constitution of India
- microbiology
- organisational behaviour
- principles of biostatistics
- biochemistry
- cell biology and genetics